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Every child, every parent, every grandparent, every community member, has the ability to succeed and help others to succeed

high school student helping middle school student
adult volunteer with students Riversedge nature


The volunteer program is a great opportunity for a service class, covenant, or just the enjoyment of helping others.  Statistics show that student volunteers are less likely to engage in inappropriate behavior, have better grades in school and make a difference in the community.

Student application


HIGH School Volunteer Opportunities



The volunteer program is a great way to show you care for our students.  Your volunteering will help our students develop positive attitudes toward learning and motivate them to achieve their potential.  It also gives you an opportunity to see the great things happening in our schools.  


Contact Laurie Beimborn at with questions. 

Please do NOT complete this form is you are interested in becoming a volunteer coach. Contact the KHS Athletic Director at 262-626-3105 ext. 4136 or KMS Athletic Director at 262-626-3104 ext. 2176.